Anti-Bullying Policy – 反欺凌守则


(Last Revision Date: April 16, 2016)

Chang Cheng Chinese School (hereafter CCCS) believes that all students have the right to a safe and healthy school environment. As a community, we all have an obligation to promote mutual respect, tolerance, and acceptance.

CCCS will not tolerate behavior that infringes on the safety of any student. A student shall not intimidate, harass, or bully another student through words or actions. Such behavior includes: direct physical contact, such as hitting or shoving; verbal assaults, such as teasing or name-calling; and social isolation or manipulation.

CCCS expects students, parents, and staffs to immediately report incidents of bullying to the principal or designee. Staff who witness such acts take immediate steps to intervene when safe to do so. Each complaint of bullying should be promptly investigated by the current CCCS principal and one of the current serving board members. CCCS Board of Directors will issue disciplinary actions based on investigation findings. This policy applies to students on school grounds, during recess periods, or a school-sponsored activity.

Teachers and parents should discuss this policy with their students in age-appropriate ways and should assure them that they need not endure any form of bullying. Students who bully are in violation of this policy and are subject to disciplinary actions up to and including expulsion from CCCS.

Specific policies and procedures are as follows:

  • Any student who engages in bullying may be subject to disciplinary actions up to and including expulsion.
  • Students are expected to immediately report incidents of bullying to the principal or designee.
  • Students can rely on CCCS to promptly investigate each complaint of bullying in a thorough and confidential manner.
  • If the student or the parents filing the complaint feel that an appropriate resolution of the investigation or complaint has not been reached, the student or the parents should contact the principal or the CCCS Board of Directors. CCCS prohibits retaliatory behavior against any complainant or any participant in the complaint process.
  • Staff who witness acts of bullying shall take immediate steps to intervene when safe to do so. People witnessing or experiencing bullying are strongly encouraged to report the incident; such reporting will not reflect on the target or witnesses in any way.
  • All staff, students and their parents will receive a copy of this policy prohibiting intimidation and bullying: at the beginning of the school year, as part of the student handbook and/or information packet, as part of new student orientation, and as part of the school system’s notification to parents.
  • CCCS will make reasonable efforts to keep a report of bullying and the results of investigation confidential.

At CCCS we encourage language and cultural learning as our primary goal. Parallel to our core teachings, we also promote mutual respect tolerance and acceptance. The goal for this policy is to prevent bullying and to protect all students’ right to a safe and healthy learning environment.

Please direct comments or questions about this policy via email to

Thank you!

CCCS Principal & CCCS Board of Directors